Fola Komolafe
No soldier in active service gets entangled in the [ordinary business] affairs of civilian life; [he avoids them] so that he may please the one who enlisted him to serve. 2 Timothy 2:4 AMP
Have you been in a position where you want to send an especially important message to someone, and you want the message delivered precisely and exactly as you sent it? So you look around for someone you can trust, someone you know will not get distracted along the way, someone you know will complete the assignment in the way you want it done.
In the world today, God is looking for people He can entrust with His assignments, people not too busy with so many other things, people ready to serve and obey immediately. In the natural you can think of a father who loves all of his children. All the children are in the playground playing and he is looking out to find the one he knows he can trust with an assignment he wants done.
God is working out His master plan and He needs you and me to be positioned ready for anything He requires of us. He has things that will need to be done His way and in His time. I want Him to pick you out every time knowing He can count on you as one that is reliable, faithful, and spiritually mature for each assignment.
In this chapter Paul is encouraging Timothy as a son to be strong and to endure hardship. In the second verse he says to him to entrust to reliable and faithful men the things he has heard. He did not say to entrust it to all men but to faithful and reliable men who will be capable and qualified to teach others. In essence look for these kind of people as they will continue the assignment.
One of the warnings for us is to not be so involved with and caught up with all the affairs of this life that it is so difficult for us to respond quickly to God and His word. You are more than an ordinary civilian, a person just living here on earth, you are a soldier of the Lord in active service and your ultimate aim is to please the one who enlisted and chose you to serve, God our Heavenly Father.
Jesus sending us into the world said we are not of this world as He is not of this world (John 17: 14-18). He acknowledges that like Him we have a work to do in this world, but we are not ruled and governed by the ways of the world. Our instructions and direction for life in this world comes from God and as we walk faithfully with Him, we receive wisdom, knowledge and understanding that far supersedes anything the world has to offer, and which is the key to unlocking Gods will in our lives and in the world.
So be determined today to be that person, that believer God can entrust with anything He wants done anytime.
Prayer: Father I yield myself to you completely refusing to get entangled, distracted and twisted with the affairs of this life. I am yours and I make myself ready every day to do all of your will and good counsel at all times. As you establish your master strategy here on earth, I pray that we will always find ourselves in the right place spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically for your good purpose and predestined plan in Jesus’ Name.
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