One Word is Enough

March 4, 2023 2

Fola Komolafe

“Toward night-time many people who were possessed by demons were brought to Jesus, and He said one word of command and drove the demons out, healing everyone who was sick.” Matthew 8:16

Sometimes you feel like something is going to happen, a sense of dread that something may go wrong, from missing a deadline to not having enough money for later or just a sense that you will not achieve your dreams and end up living a life without purpose. None of these things have happened yet but there is this dread, this apprehension in your heart about something that could happen, and it feels so real.

I was speaking to a friend the other day who described waking up early most morning with a sense that something is going to go wrong, something is going to happen maybe because they had not done everything, they should do but most times they could not even put their hand on what exactly it is. Dread is described as feeling extremely worried or frightened about something that is going to happen or that might happen. An example is when someone is dreading an exam because they are sure they are going to fail. Who told them they would fail? Definitely not God so it must be one of those lies of the devil. It has not yet happened, and God is on your side. His plans for you always lead to your good (Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 7:11) and He will give you wisdom (James 1:5), surround you with helpers and resources so that you never fail with Him.

How did that person become so sure they would fail? They did nothing when they first sensed the feeling of dread, instead they thought about it over and over again, meditated on it, spoke about it and heard themselves repeat it over and over in their mind until it became their reality. The problem with accepting this feeling of dread is that it becomes like a dead weight being carried around and weighing you down to the point of depression and paralysis. But the good news of Christ is that you can do something about it quickly by replacing the dread with faith filled words from God immediately (every time it pops up) and create a very different future outcome.

You need to know that the root of this feeling or apprehension is fear. It is a spirit of fear, rampant in the world today, attacking you and which if you allow it to stay too long around you, meditating on it and speaking words of fear, it will produce the thing that you are dreading will happen. God said, He has not given us the spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). It is not from God! And as His followers we resist steadfast in faith anything that is not from God. So don’t accept or tolerate this dread. How do you overcome fear? By constantly speaking the word of God.

Remember when the devil came to tempt Jesus in the wilderness (Matthew 4) using suggestive words that challenged who He was and His authority. Jesus on each occasion responded with just one word of scripture, saying “it is written.” One word of scripture each time was enough to get the devil to leave Him. Sometimes we think we need to know so much, so many different verses of scripture but one word is all you need. And guess what? You can use that word over and over and over again; you don’t need a different one each time except God gives you another one. Because in every word of God spoken every time is more than enough power to make the devil flee from you in terror! James said, resist the devil (like Jesus did) and he will flee from you (James 4:7). One translation says he will flee in agony.

You can do this! Get your one word of command ready and the next time you sense dread, don’t even allow it to settle no matter how valid or reasonable it may seem to you, but rather immediately speak the one word of God over and over again out loud and the spirit of fear will flee from you!

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  • Bongi

    March 6, 2023 at 09:31

    A truly encouraging instruction from the word of God. Very grateful for sharing and God bless you.


  • Robert

    March 9, 2023 at 12:50

    Thanks for this awesome and timely word.


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