Denika Campbell-Lee
“Then David’s question was reported to King Saul, and the king sent for him.” 1 Samuel 17:3 (NLT)
In these verses David had been asking what the reward was for killing Goliath. It had been said that the king was offering his daughter as a reward and no taxes for the man’s family who kills Goliath.
The fact that David’s questions had been passed onto the king and he was sent for, shows that David was the only person who was brave enough to even show interest. There’s a difference between talking about something idly and talking about something with intent. The rest of the men had been talking about Goliath and the king’s reward just as idle conversation and with fear, but David intentionally asked because he had the intention to do something, which is why he got a response.
In our daily lives, we cannot wait to see what everyone else is doing before stepping out because God has a different plan for each of us. Imagine if David took the same attitude as the other men, and just moved along. The whole nation of Israel would have been destroyed by Goliath, including David himself. Most times we have to make a bold move, we may be apprehensive or out of our depths, but in order to go further in our christian walk or deeper in our experience with God we must step out in faith.
There may be a ministry that hasn’t been started, but you have a heart for it, or you see a gap in your church that could be filled. Don’t be afraid to ask whether it can be done and YOU start it. Or just because no one you know takes monthly prayer retreats to get closer to God, does not mean that you can’t start doing it. Showing interest in the things of God or desiring to get closer to God demonstrates a thirst for the Lord, and He is watching. The Bible says, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you” (James 4:8 ESV).
The Lord was able to give the strength and wisdom that saved all of Israel and David from Goliath, because David took the initiative to do and inquire about something that drew him closer to God. He took a risk on the God that he knew and it paid off. It’s important for us to take that first step of faith to really encounter God. So be bold make a decision to step out for God today!