Do They All Match?

June 26, 2019 3

Uzo Nwuga

Every gift God freely gives is good and perfect, streaming down from the Father of lights, who shines from the heavens with no shadow or darkness and is never subject to change. – James 1:17 (TPT)

Dictionary meaning of ‘match’ – correspond, or cause to correspond in some essential respect, be harmonious. Synonym: harmonise with, blend with, complement

In order to change an old system, an organisation needs to understand what they require for the future (this is usually quantified and qualified), what the system can do and how they fit together. And the business functions in the organisation must  be able to work with these criteria even if in most cases this would be changing their ways of working to ensure the progress, growth, effectiveness and efficiency of the organisation.

All these are captured in the Requirements and Specifications document. And an overarching document outlines the organisation’s business requirements and matches them against the system specifications and how the business functions should work.

As Christians, we should be applying similar principles. Habakkuk 2:2 NKJV says “…Write the vision and make it plain…” I have just taken an excerpt of that verse because that is what I would like us to concentrate on for the purpose of this blog. Yes, the verse talks about taking the vision so plain that anyone can understand it, especially its author and run with the vision. How do we know that it is plain and clear? What are we basing our vision on?

Our vision must be based on the Word of God – our system’s specifications because we need to bear in mind that there is also the world’s system. We should identify and write down our requirements and find a scripture for each requirement. So when situations arise in different areas of our life (the business functions) we go back to what we have written, and what the Word says about it and see if they all match. If they don’t, we should discard, reject, refuse or forget that idea, offer or whatever it is.

My husband and I decided to change the way we did things (our ways of working).  We wrote down a few requirements regarding family finances for the next 6 months and applied relevant scriptures for each of them. A job offer came from a previous employer which I hadn’t even contacted. Conventional wisdom would be to accept, especially as I had nothing else in the pipeline. But checking our requirements and applying FAITH in line with the scripture that we are standing on, made me refuse the offer.

So many times, we find ourselves in difficult circumstances because we feel we had no choice in the decisions we took. We always have a choice – God’s way or the other way. God says write out the vision and make it clear. When we have done that, we apply God’s Word so that when we are faced with a decision our faith in the Word and our vision will steer us to making the right decision.

Remember Prov 3:5-6! “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”


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  • Essie

    June 29, 2019 at 17:42

    Thanks for sharing and reminding. The rewards of 100% obedience


  • Lola

    July 2, 2019 at 10:22

    This is very apt and is a reminder that our actions must align with the Word of God and His divine plans for our lives. Thank you!


  • Vinuyon

    August 3, 2019 at 15:08

    Awesome ! We either believe trust and wait or try to help God in our desperation. Abraham – Ishmail comes to mind. We wait patiently and trust him wholeheartedly .
    Thanks for sharing Uzo


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