
Fola Komolafe

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36 (KJV)

Freedom is something that is so valued and appreciated by anyone who has been held bondage, captive and in a position where their will, opinion and thoughts did not matter. They were under the rule of one who exercised power, dominance over them and subjected them sometimes in the most inhuman way to their bidding. It is such a terrible place to be that we see the Israelites crying out to God in the old testament to be set free from the bondage in which the Egyptians held them. Jesus died to set us free and the bible says, “So if the Son liberates you (makes you free men), then you are really and unquestionably free.”

Our freedom from the devil and all of his evil work was purchased for us by Jesus Christ through His precious blood. Twice (Ephesians 1:7, Colossians 1:14) the bible says,’In Christ we have redemption through His blood’ and describes how He did not rescue us with the blood of animals but with His own blood obtaining for us eternal redemption (Hebrews 9:12). Redemption means liberation, freedom purchased by the payment of a ransom – the payment was His blood.

So as a born again child of God you have been set free! You were set free when the price was paid, so you are free today spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, materially and every which way. You are free and the devil (an evil master) has nothing on you except what you allow because of ignorance or unbelief (so please don’t be ignorant and walk in unbelief!). The authority is yours, it has been given to you by Jesus Christ our Lord so please use it and drive the devil off your turf! The centurion in Matthew 8:8 recognised the authority that Jesus had and he said, ‘Speak the word only and my servant shall be healed.’

Speak the word only and the devil will flee from you, speak the word only and sickness will flee from you, speak the word only and your children will be delivered, speak the word only and your city will be saved, speak the word only! If it happened for the centurion who was not in covenant with God, how much more will it happen for you and I today, born again, spirit filled, tongue talking and immersed completely in Christ Jesus. Speak the word only! Your Authority is released in Words!

Christ set us free! So don’t allow the bondage of the past to hold you down anymore. Christ set us free and we are new creations in Him, old things have passed away and everything has become new. Christ set us free, so speak the word only with authority in His name and break down every lie of the enemy. Christ set us free, His blood was the price for our freedom, so remember today as you speak the word only over your life, your family, your circumstances that the word is enough for Revelations 12:11 says, ‘And they overcame (past tense) him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.’ So Speak The Word Only!


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  • Vinuyon

    November 1, 2019 at 10:08

    Yes lord ! We will not be silenced -we will open our mouths and speak the word regardless . Knowing faithful is he that promised ?? And he will perfectly complete it . Amen


  • Bongi

    November 1, 2019 at 13:53

    Speak the word only and the devil will flee from you, speak the word only and sickness will flee from you, speak the word only and your children will be delivered, speak the word only and your city will be saved, speak the word only! 
    This is powerful my sister, we need to speak his word until it is natural in our daily lives.


  • Kay

    November 3, 2019 at 06:53

    Amen & amen ?


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