The Right Shoes

December 6, 2019 1

Uzo Nwuga

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105 (NLT)

In my attempt to stay fit and svelte (lol!), I decided to upgrade my daily power walk to a run every few km, walk, then run again. Okay, it could be 1 or 2km……..or even half a km at a time J but that is not the point. The point is that I have graduated to running, yay! Now any sports person or sports shop will tell you that you need to wear proper running shoes for jogging or even power walking. On this particular day, I absentmindedly put on my trainers and went jogging, sorry running. I was absolutely proud of myself that I had run several km without stopping. Very proud indeed! However, I noticed whilst running my second stint that my feet were aching in a funny way. I thought maybe it was due to my running style and tried to adjust. Along my route is a hill and when I know I am struggling, I tend not to look up when jogging up the hill. So, I didn’t and then noticed I HAD THE WRONG SHOES ON! I was not wearing the right running shoes and even though I could run, it was with so much discomfort and pain.

Eph 6:15 states “For shoes, put on the readiness to preach the Good news of peace with God” (NLT). This verse is a call for preparedness and readiness to march as a Christian soldier. Verses 13 to 17 talks about putting on the whole armour of God to stand against the strategies of the enemy. So we must equip ourselves with the right knowledge and truth of the Word because let’s face it, there are a lot of wrong teachings out there, you must agree with me. That makes the difference between getting the victory battle weary and empty, or full of energy marvelling at how you went through that battle yet still standing. The difference between David going against Goliath, and Saul cowering from the same Goliath. The difference is in wearing the right armour.

So, what shoes are we wearing to go out to be who God has called us to be and do what He wants us to do? It can just be a simple smile to someone here or a cup of tea for someone else and that is the victory for the day. Whatever it is, we need to be intentional in living our lives as Christian soldiers and God’s ambassadors. That morning, I wasn’t intentional in preparing for my run and that is why I wore the wrong shoes. I was complacent. We cannot afford not to be intentional, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable. We cannot afford to be complacent otherwise it will be an uncomfortable experience and painful journey.

As we get to the end of another year and welcome a new year, let’s decide to be intentional with our relationship with God and everything else. Let the Holy Spirit guide us in listening to the right messages and the right people. And when we do, let us examine the scriptures and allow the Holy Spirit minister the truth to us as the Berean Christians did in Acts 17.11. No more complacency with the Word of God or the things of God.

Let us march into 2020 wearing the right shoes with the right attitude. And our victories shall be sweet ones in the Name of Jesus, Amen.


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One comment

  • Fola Komolafe

    December 7, 2019 at 12:03

    Amen, I am intentionally putting on the right shoes, and running! Thank you for an apt word. Much love and blessings


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