Dare to Trust Him

November 30, 2019 5

Uzo Nwuga

“You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied. And praise the name of the Lord your God who has dealt wondrously with you. And My people shall never be put to shame”. Joel 2:26 (NKJV)

The other evening, Chris and I came home with slices of chocolate, red velvet and carrot cake from an event we attended. Our kind and gracious hostess had insisted we take some cake and so I did for our children. They saw a plate covered with foil and asked if I had brought them something. Oge asked, “Is it red velvet cake?” and I replied yes. Kanye my youngest asked, “is there carrot cake?” and I said yes again. Oluchi, his older sister not usually a cake person also asked, “is there chocolate?” and there was another yes yet again. I chuckled at all three questions which I had kinda expected. All three children were excited. They completed their chores happily and everything else they needed to do that evening without a fuss. Wow, see what unexpected cake can help accomplish, lol!

Later on, as I reflected on my evening and the responses and actions from my children, it was interesting to note that none of them doubted my word that I got them the cake they liked. They trusted my responses and were content with them. Then the Holy Spirit whispered to me, “He has set the table before me”. God has given us His Word and as Christians we should trust His Word and be content with them. It is as simple as that. The verse in full states ‘’He has prepared a table before me in the presence of mine enemies” –Psalm 23:5. Even if we don’t dwell on the last part of the verse for the purpose of this blog, the fact is that God has laid a table for us full of His blessings and promises.

Everything we’d like and more are on the table God laid out – great health, right mindset, victory, prosperity, favour, peace, overflowing joy, and I can go on. The question is … do you believe your God has these available for you? My children didn’t have to unwrap the foil to check if the slices of cake were really there. They believed my word and went ahead with what they were doing, knowing they had cake. If only we adults can be just like our young children, and believe our faithful and loving Father.

The other important thing to note was that I knew what each child liked which I got. So is it with God and even better. Oh, so much better. He knows what we like, what we would like, what we require and what we want. But do we actually believe that He does? When you are looking at that bill, do you believe He knows? When you are wondering when your next job would come, do you believe that He is your Provider? When you are staring at that sickness and wonder if you’d ever feel well or good to do the things you used to, do you believe He is your Healer? When you are confused and in despair, do you believe that He has given you peace and cares for you? For your every want or need, God has dealt with it and laid it on the table for you to have it. You have your part to play also.

To a lot of people, I am not saying something new. To others, it might be. Everything we need is in His Word. Let us take hold of the good things, the sweet things, the promises He has in store for us. But you must also believe that He has them for you.

“But blessed is the man who trusts me God, the woman who sticks with God. They’re like trees replanted in Eden, putting down the roots near the rivers. Never a worry through the hottest of summers, never dropping a leaf. Serene and calm through the droughts, bearing fresh fruit for every season. Jer 17:7-8 (MSG)

 Let us challenge ourselves to trust Him any time, every time, ALL THE TIME!

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  • Vinuyon

    November 30, 2019 at 14:00

    Wow ! Great reminder to cast our cares upon him and put our trust in him no matter what it looks like , no matter the season of life you are in . Thanks ?


  • Kay

    November 30, 2019 at 19:14

    Amen ?. Divine timing, thank you for the Word ?


  • Aluse

    December 2, 2019 at 07:24

    Awesome. Very encouraging. Our father indeed loves us and knows what we want


  • Oyibo

    December 2, 2019 at 11:06

    Very inspiring. Thanks for this message. Simple but profound.


  • Olubunmi Olajide

    December 2, 2019 at 11:16

    This is awe inspiring! Indeed the Lord has blessed us with His heavenly blessings through the knowledge of Him who has called us to virtue and glory.


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