Sustained by a Strong Spirit

February 20, 2021 1

Fola Komolafe

The strong spirit of a man sustains him in bodily pain or trouble, but a weak and broken spirit who can raise up or bear? Proverbs 18:14 AMPC YES

“A strong spirit as one that is confident, established, unmovable and ready for anything. It is steady under pressure, full of joy and peace and it never quits. It went on to say a strong spirit will get you through anything – physical attacks, financial problems, relational difficulties, career setbacks and whatever else the devil throws at you.”

I believe that this is good news for the Christian to know that it is the strength of their spirit that determines the outcomes they have in life. It is not the external circumstances, it is not the devil, it is not other people’s expectations, but the strength of your spirit, and guess what, you have control and can do something to strengthen your spirit. Your spirit grows stronger and stronger as you feed on the word of God in the same way a baby grows by drinking milk. Peter said, “like newborn babies you should long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may be nurtured and grow in respect to salvation, it’s ultimate fulfilment.’ You can have a strong spirit by having a good daily spiritual diet of the word of God (in this case the more you eat the better) and by exercising regularly as you put Gods word to practice. A common phrase says, ‘you are what you eat.’


A strong spirit sustains a man in sickness, in bodily pain and in trouble. It is the strength of your spirit that determines how you walk through any situation in life. Sustain means to defend, to protect, to strengthen or support physically and mentally. It is what is going on inside of you, in your spirit, that determines what happens outside of you, in your body and in your mind. John said, ‘dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.’ Healing comes from the inside.

In Nehemiah 9:21, Nehemiah was recounting how God was with His people delivering them repeatedly. He goes on to describe how for forty years God sustained them, that is, He protected and defended them in the wilderness, so they lacked nothing (divine provision), their clothes did not wear out (divine preservation) and their feet did not swell (divine health). However, the journey was not smooth for all of them as some died in the wilderness because they would not hear the word of God resulting in unbelief and a weak faith. A weak and broken spirit is the result of a disconnection with God and His word.

I want you to see how important it is to know where you are spiritually and to prioritise making quality time to develop your spirit. A strong spirit doesn’t just happen in the same way you don’t develop muscles unless you are disciplined to go to the gym regularly. But it is worth the time because having a strong spirit will get you through anything. David said in 2 Samuel 22:30, “For by Thee I have run through a troop: by my God have I leaped over a wall.”

Prayer: Lord, we thank you thar you have put your Spirit in us, and we pray today that you will help us to be more disciplined about spending more time in your word and putting your word to practice in our lives. In a world with so much distraction, help us to pull ourselves away from things that steal our time and help us to prioritise our spiritual growth knowing our spirit will sustain us victoriously through life. In Jesus Name we pray.

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One comment

  • Lola

    February 22, 2021 at 11:27

    Thank you for the word in season; Amen to the prayers


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