Join us live on Sunday 28th February at 4pm UK Time!
Register quickly to save your seat at www.folakomolafe.com/onthecouch
If you have been following the news recently, you will have seen the daily report on covid vaccinations. However we have not always had enough opportunity to have meaningful conversations, ask questions and increase our knowledge of how we protect ourselves, our children, our loved ones and our community now and in the future. The World Health Organisation recently listed vaccine hesitancy, where people with access to vaccines delay or refuse vaccination, as one of the top 10 biggest threats to global health.
On the Couch with Fols is a space for us to have open, honest and non judgemental conversations with a team of experts who will be answering your deep questions whether you have had the vaccination or not, or are planning to or not. Some areas we will touch on include behaviour/side effects after vaccination, different types of vaccines, residual impacts of covid symptoms, children & vaccines and the next generation of covid vaccines. I want all your questions so please send them in when you register!
I would also love for you to think of other people around you that would benefit from this conversation and invite them to come along. Maybe a family member, a friend, a colleague or associate.
“Knowledge is power. It helps us survive far longer than we should, and prevents us from making the same mistakes we made in the past.”