Confidence in God

June 4, 2022 1

Fola Komolafe

For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. Philippians 3:3 (KJVS)

Self-doubt is something many Christians experience where they know what God says, maybe even believe what God says but doubt in themselves that it is happening for them. Some people doubt everything they do – they prayed, they asked and still doubt if they got it right – are they where God wants them to be or are they are doing what God wants them to do. As a result, they don’t experience the peace or joy God gives as they constantly pray the same anxious prayers repeatedly. They want to see a sign, an experience or something tangible they can hold on to in order to believe and be at peace, that place of total trust and confidence knowing God is doing in them His good will.

This lack of confidence may not be about God all the time as I hear people say, “it is not God or His word, but I don’t trust myself.” I don’t trust myself to be able to be this kind of person God says I am, or I don’t trust myself to receive all these things from God. Basically, I don’t trust me when it comes to the things of God. Listen – God never told you to trust you! He told you to trust Him, to put your confidence in Him. So, stop looking at yourself and start looking to Gods ability, Gods Spirit and Gods power to do in you all that He promised by Himself because you believe Him. Paul said, I have no confidence in the flesh. Paul had every reason to put his confidence in the flesh, that is in himself because he was circumcised young, he was a Hebrew of Hebrew from the right race, he was trained well and considered blameless concerning righteousness by the law. You may say that is Paul, I have nothing, I come from nowhere important, and I have never achieved anything significant, so my self-confidence is low anyway. Brilliant, God does not want your self-confidence – low or high, He wants everyone of us to put all our complete confidence and trust in Him alone.

Confidence in God will change your life, your faith and your Christian experience. It will fill your heart with peace (a quiet calmness) and joy knowing He is doing in you and for you all He promised because He is God, and He cannot lie. If He says He will lead you by His Spirit and you believe Him, then be confident He is doing so every day. If He says He is working His good pleasure in you and you believe Him, then be confident things are working in your life according to His good pleasure. Do not allow self-doubt to rob you of all of Gods best for you. Be confident that He is doing all He said – not because of the flesh or reason or the senses (what you see, feel, touch, smell, hear) in which you have no confidence but because your trust is fully placed with God.

Psalm 118:8 says, “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man (that includes you),” Proverbs 3:26 says, “For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken,” and Isaiah 30:15 says, “in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.” So, I encourage you to make a decision to put your confidence in God and never again to doubt what He is doing in and for you.

Prayer: Lord, I trust you and I declare today that my confidence is in you. I believe you; I believe your every word and I thank you for where I am today. I ask you to keep working your good will in my life every day in Jesus Name. I am confident it is happening, and I allow your peace and your joy to fill my heart in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

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One comment

  • johnston

    May 3, 2024 at 08:33

    thanks, i am inspired by your write up


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